Refrigerant Injects and Sealants
Maximum Seal XL4, 21-101, 4 oz Canister for 1.5-5 ton systems
Xantus 20-105 Max Seal Fractional A/C Sealant for systems 1.5 Ton or Less
31-101 Max Seal Prodry UV Dye Inject 1.5 - 5 Ton Systems
Xantus 25-101 Max Seal Big Shot Direct Inject Large Or Multiple Leaks 1.5-5 Ton
Xantus Products 19-101 Maximum Seal XL4 Valve and Hose
32-101 Xantus Max Seal +Prodry +UV Dye Commercial Inject 6 - 15 Ton System
The Zephyr Line Clearer makes clearing lines a breeze! Unleash the full potential of any Xantus Products direct inject with the patent pending Zephyr Line Clearer!'Comes with an extention hose, rubber grommet, and two refrigerant grade CO2 cartridges.'This will be a tremendous'value and an invaluable tool in any technician's'toolbox.
26-101 Xantus Max Seal Commercial Direct Inject, 6-15 Ton Systems